"New York City 9/11 Truth" presents the "First Annual 9/11 Video Mash-up Awards Show." The best of the cross-genre electronic media progeny, newly vlogged in the Late Days: Heklivism, Doku-mashies, Floor-mashies, Footagisms, Trashies + "X": hybrids to put TV Fakery, Politics and Exotic Weaponry in sight.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bloopers Busted

Sept Clues Part One

by "Social Service"

Wide Shot Blooper from a viewpoint over the Meadowlands NJ

by "jason100"

Foreknowledge of Tower Collapse BBC

by "Abandon Affluence"

Hookwinked at Shanksville

by "Killtown"

I Deny the Holy Footage

by "Genghis"

CNN Fake Hit Comparison

by "BSRegistration"

Fooled Again. Nose-Out

by "dassado"

CNN Footage Blasted

by "BSRegistration"

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