9/11 Video Mashup Awards

"New York City 9/11 Truth" presents the "First Annual 9/11 Video Mash-up Awards Show." The best of the cross-genre electronic media progeny, newly vlogged in the Late Days: Heklivism, Doku-mashies, Floor-mashies, Footagisms, Trashies + "X": hybrids to put TV Fakery, Politics and Exotic Weaponry in sight.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bloopers Busted

Sept Clues Part One

by "Social Service"

Wide Shot Blooper from a viewpoint over the Meadowlands NJ

by "jason100"

Foreknowledge of Tower Collapse BBC

by "Abandon Affluence"

Hookwinked at Shanksville

by "Killtown"

I Deny the Holy Footage

by "Genghis"

CNN Fake Hit Comparison

by "BSRegistration"

Fooled Again. Nose-Out

by "dassado"

CNN Footage Blasted

by "BSRegistration"

"No Plane Crash" Hero

Morgen Reynolds

Appearance on Fox News


Shock and Awe: CNN Video is Fake not Real.

Pump-it-out Jeff.

Ghostplane Credibility Shredded by Genghis


Andrew Lowe Watson
Audio Analysis of Naudet


Renault Crash Test vs 911 planes

Nico Haupt

and many others I've overlooked for no reason of their own.

Revelatory and Convincing

9/11 Brainwashing TV Fakery

3 Channels, 3 Realities

Humor, Music and Obscurity

DJ Shadow/ Chemist vs TV Fakery

by thatshit

F*@%!! OFF 9/11 WAS A F@#%* ing INSIDE JOB !!

Mark Cuban Meets Godzilla

Armageddon Disco Meltdown Hardcore Techno Booty

Bitter Pill by Genghis

Larry Silverbird

How to Make a Tin-foil Hat by TVTesla

Oh My Goodness

Plane Cynic by Muckletoon

Education, Information, Presentation

Geospatial Intelligence

by BS Registration

Hecklivism, Creativity Originality Firsts

Mark Dice aka John Connor confronts Beverly Hills

Video Overlay by Nico Haupt

Sabrina Rivera confronts Rudy Guiliani for We Are Change

by We Are Change

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Aggression channelled to Creativity

TV News Lies

by Guntherznads


by dog4trees